Thank you every one who has sent me packages and congrats to the Cleggs
on their new baby boy! This week was another great one for the mission. Slowly
but surely the work is getting better after the lull of the holidays. We changed
a members fuel pump and filter for a service project last Saturday. I am really impressed with myself for not
using foul language. That has occurred
before when working with cars - especially because the gas tank just did not
want to cooperate with us.
This week is my last week of training - which isn't even training
because the book says I have to do everything I feel ready for - whatever
the Lord has to offer me this next transfer. Next week P-day will be on Wednesday
and I will be able to let you know how transfers went and if I am staying or
not. I really thought it was funny when dad said to me that Lisa Mapel was
probably dehydrated from Gavin’s farewell.
The mission is such an awesome experience and I love being an instrument
in the Lord’s hands. We had an exchange miracle were Elder Elliott showed an
object lesson for the kids and how to tear a piece of paper once and it makes a
cross. It was with a lady we had been trying to meet with for a long time and
she finally let us in (thank goodness for us having a member with us that day). She had over 10 children she was watching and
she wanted them to hear the message. It
was like trying to watch someone herd cats. We finally taught them a lesson and
taught them about the Book of Mormon and she was really excited to get to
We started meeting with a Catholic
priest. So, now we are meeting with two
big-wigs in churches from around here. He was from Colorado - so we instantly
clicked and he enjoyed our message. Our other tough investigator, who was a
pastor, is finally praying about what we are teaching him and we are getting somewhere
with him! We would have dropped him already but President Pérez told us that eventually
he will be baptized. I am finally
starting to see the good from that and he has been investigating for years! I feel
like Ammon with King Lamoni. The cool thing is that when the Spirit is there in
a lesson, He teaches better than any man ever could. I am so blessed to be able
to serve the Lord and to see the blessings that are coming from that power
being worked through me! Thank you every one for your support! I love you
all and am so happy that I am able to always have the love of my family
and friends with me wherever I may go. The Lord has a plan for each of us
and it is exciting to see were in the puzzle we all fit –Alma 40:10 “And when the time cometh when all shall rise, then shall they
know that God knoweth all the times which are appointed unto man.”