Thursday, January 15, 2015

1/6/15 Zone Conference

I am really, really, excited for Gavin to be going on his mission this week.  He is going to be a great missionary. Every one support Elder Maple! The good things and letters and packages I have received from my family and ward back home have made all the difference! I am glad the holiday season is over.  I hate to sound like a Grinch but as a missionary it is hard to get work done when everyone is too busy to hear about Jesus on his birthday and New Year.
         I am really excited now that it is a new year and people are ready for change! This past week in zone training our zone leaders talked about our new goals as a mission and I am really excited for them. One is to have a change of attitude - which I think is awesome. “All that a mind can conceive and believe it can achieve.”  That is something the zone leaders quoted us from one of the Quorum of the Twelve. I am excited to have my first full year as a missionary and to be able to serve with all I have. The Lord has people prepared and I can’t wait to find them!
         I was reading this week and Ammon was describing how great his joy was just to be a tool in his Heavenly Father’s hands. "Now they were desirous that salvation should be declared to every creature, for they could not bear that any human soul should perish; yea even the very thoughts that any soul should endure endless torment did cause them to quake and tremble." -Mosiah28:3.  I want to be just like the sons of Mosiah throughout my mission and the time is now!  It breaks my heart to know there are people just drifting through life without the goodness and fullness of the restored gospel.  We have something people are yearning for - it’s our job to share the good things that we have because we know how good it is and will bless others lives. Give this life all that we have - because there is always something to be done.

       We had a little miracle this week.  Some of the Spanish Elders who live just down the street with us, had their battery die.  The store said that the battery cells were completely dead [and I am assuming they did not have or could not afford a new battery]. We said a prayer and told them to put the battery back in -and it worked!  The battery was junk! That was the first time I realized the power of faith.  I fully believed it would start and the Lord blessed us because of it. I love being a disciple of Christ and am excited to see what the Lord needs me to do this year. The biggest thing I have learned is that you have a choice on whether to be happy and have a good attitude. I hope we all strive to be better to ourselves and others this year!  I love you all so much - thank you for your prayers and love!  It really helps to know I have such a big family. Let me know if there is any way I can serve any of you!

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