baptismal service went amazing. Sister Bowser,
the Relief Society President and one of my favorite people in this ward, gave a
wonderful talk on baptism. Then Brother J-----
baptized his family - which was so great! Elder Ostberg and I were witnesses.
After that a young boy in the ward gave a talk on receiving the gift of the Holy
Ghost. He had [their son] L----- step on
a soda can which was empty and crushed it. Then he had him step on an unopened
soda can - which represented us being filled with the Holy Ghost. The can could
not be crushed - no matter hard L----- tried. With the influence of God in our
lives we can’t be crushed! We just need
to learn to recognized what he is trying to teach us and follow the promptings
of the Spirit - no matter what they may be, they are for our benefit.
I remember a talk from Jeffery R. Holland where he talked about coming to a fork in the road where he and his son prayed on which way to go. They both felt strongly to go to the right. They went there and in 400 yards in was a dead end. The Lord let him go down a different path to see the importance of staying on the right path - instead of letting him spend a lot of time in doubt while going down the correct one. The Holy Ghost reassures us of how perfectly right God’s road map is for us. With the gift of the Holy Ghost we can achieve all the necessary things we need to do in this life. We are guided to do the things we need to do - so that we may live with our families in Heavenly Father’s presence once more.
I remember a talk from Jeffery R. Holland where he talked about coming to a fork in the road where he and his son prayed on which way to go. They both felt strongly to go to the right. They went there and in 400 yards in was a dead end. The Lord let him go down a different path to see the importance of staying on the right path - instead of letting him spend a lot of time in doubt while going down the correct one. The Holy Ghost reassures us of how perfectly right God’s road map is for us. With the gift of the Holy Ghost we can achieve all the necessary things we need to do in this life. We are guided to do the things we need to do - so that we may live with our families in Heavenly Father’s presence once more.
We had our Christmas zone conference
yesterday and it was great. The topic
was, what our purpose is as missionaries. Preach My Gospel says that my
purpose is to invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the
restored gospel – and through faith in Jesus Christ and his atonement,
repentance baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost and enduring to the
end. I was able to watch this happen to the J----- family from a-z. I was asked
to give a talk about my purpose as a missionary. My purpose is to be like
Christ - to follow him and to influence others to do the same. Jesus was our
perfect example and it is each and every one of our jobs to help others to take
a full advantage of his atoning sacrifice. President Miller gave a fiery talk
about how the field is white and ready to harvest and to THRUST in our sickle. Shame
on us if we are not thrusting with all our might mind and strength we are on
the Lord’s time not ours. It was reassuring to hear some firm speaking from President
Miller. He backed it right up with
loving words - just like Christ would. This mission is truly the greatest! It makes me so happy to be here in the Lord’s